Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Singapore Lands Largest Solar Production Complex

Renewable energy is big, big, big: Josh just wrote about the world’s largest wind farm possibly going up in South Dakota (yahoo!), California could see the world’s largest solar power plant, and now Singapore is in the foray with landing the largest solar manufacturing facility the world’s ever seen.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Running out of Application space on your iPhone or touch?

Both the iPhone and the iPod touch include relatively limited space on the OS partition (the part of your iPhone's memory that stores the operating system and associated files).

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Digg Spammer Alert

And today's Spammer Alert goes to clipstubeNET

Check out all the meaningless submission at:

The 5 Best Presidential Candidates to Address Climate Change

With all respect (and perhaps some thanks) to Mr. Gore, taking action on climate change is now a major political issue as well as a moral issue. This is particularly true for U.S. voters this year, who are trying to decide on their nation’s next president.

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Top Digg User banned from Digg

I'm sad to announce that one of the top Diggers (cGt2099) have been officially banned from Digg. It really sucks because he is one of the few who actually submitted good quality contents. And the reason? Well he simply posted a rather obscene yet funny picture. If you missed the picture, get with him on StumbleUpon.

And what can we learn from this? Well do not submit pics of topless fat ladies walking in the beach! LOL...thanks Greg you will be missed!!!

UPDATE - Looks like this little post is slowly getting momentum at Digg. Let's keep it going guys, help us get this story to the front page! Digg this story for our fallen friend...

Shameless Plug: Join Digg Elite and join our revolution for high quality content, email us at digg.elite[at]gmail[dot]com

Old Skool iPhone found (PIC)

Meet the Newton iPhone.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

FEMA PR chief loses new job after fake news briefing

The man who oversaw public affairs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency when it held a fake news conference last week will no longer be taking over as head of public relations for the director of national intelligence.

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Coolest TRANSFORMERS costumes ever.

Wow! These guys might never get laid, but they win hands down for any costume contest this Halloween.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Recalled: 1 million baby chairs from Bumbo

Bumbo has announced a recall of about 1 million baby chairs in cooperation with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). If the baby seat is placed on a table, countertop, chair, or other elevated surface, a young child sitting in it can arch his or her back, flip out of the seat, and fall onto the floor...

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California Fires and Climate Change: A Match Made in Hell

A match made in heaven it surely isn’t, but global warming has definitely played its part in the recent tragic events hitting California.

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Leopard on an 8 year old G4 Power Mac -- can it be done?

It's no surprise to hear that Leopard smokes on the latest Intel box, right? That's all fine and dandy for new Mac owners but what about the rest of us (the majority) who are still pumping that legacy PowerPC architecture beneath Cupertino's OS? How does Apple's OS of tomorrow run onm say, an 8 year old Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)?

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

RIP, Classic Mac OS: 1984 - 2007

It's not a huge surprise, but Apple's gone ahead and posted a note confirming that Leopard will not support Classic, even on PowerPC machines. Of course, Intel Macs have never been able to run Classic anyway, so only like Hypercard user groups and the three printshops still running QuarkXPress 4 and will be affected by this...

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Eco-Effective Art: Green Graffiti

Our common perception of a graffiti artist is a vandalistic rebel who works through a free venue to spread his message. Although there are many incredible artists who sprinkle our streets and alleyways with colorful, astonishing work, they don’t expect much respect from the common passerby for the work they do- until recently.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gun problems in America just got worse. (PIC)

Say hello to my little friend!

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Woman learns that husband declared dead in 1999 is alive

A woman fighting to regain widow's benefits that were cut off long after her husband was declared dead has learned that Social Security Administration officials were right — he really is still alive.

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Run EDGE on iPhone using T Mobile's $5.99 plan.

Easy to follow tutorial on getting T Mobile's $5.99 Internet access plan to work with the iPhone.

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Let the unbricking begin-iPhone Elite team announces "revirginizer" release

Over at Google Code, the iphone-elite team has released their revirginizing tool, which is designed to rebuild your iPhone's seczone lock table. After using this tool, the team suggests, your 1.0.2 unlocked iPhone will return to its pre-unlocked state and be safe to upgrade to 1.1.1.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Wi-Fi SD Card Gets FCC Approval

The Eye-Fi 2GB SD Card that can wirelessly transfer pics to your computer just got FCC approval. There's an 802.11b/g Wi-Fi chip on board, allowing you to upload shots that you've taken without plugging in your camera.

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Terrorists who say no to terror

These killer jihadis once hell-bent on destruction and mayhem are now campaigning to stop others following in their footsteps. Ali Imron, one of the key Bali bombers, is haunted by his actions and is working from his Indonesian prison cell to prevent others from following in his footsteps.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Consumer Reports says Toyota slips in reliability

Consumer Reports said today it was reversing a practice of recommending all new Toyota cars and trucks after two models earned below-average rankings in a closely watched reliability study.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

iPhone programming 101: full header documentation released

With a few months yet to go before the official, blessed, sanctified Apple SDK for iPhone makes an appearance, all TUAW readers know there's already a thriving community of iPhone developers coding away with glee and gusto.

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14 of the Worlds Strangest Alarm Clocks for Those Early Morning Risers

How would you like to wake up with a bomb going off next to your head, or how about your alarm clock flying around the room.

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How A Guy Became A Millionaire Selling Antenna Balls.

It all started when Jason Wall saw a Jack In The Box fast-food commercial in mid-1997 that said the company had sold more than 3 million antenna balls. Sensing opportunity, Wall came up with a few designs he thought would penetrate the auto accessory and novelty industries. The designs stuck.

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10 Ways To Speed Up Digg!

Sometimes Digg can be amazingly frustrating%2C especially during rush hour. Here are 10 tips for Kevin Rose on how to make Digg faster!

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Did Web-only development fail the iPhone?

A thoughtful post over at asks whether the Web failed the iPhone. Apple's initial decision to support only Web 2.0 third-party apps on the iPhone gave the web-based community a huge shot of creativity and incentive to see how far they could push the iPhone and Safari in terms of delivering a new kind of third party development.

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